Function overloading with @overload

Another fairly common pattern in Python is polymorphic functions, i.e. functions that can take various types of arguments and behave differently. Take this silly function for example:

def double(item):
    if isinstance(item, str):
        return f'2 {item}s'

    return item + item

print(double(16) + 10)

We've already seen some code like this in the "type narrowing" section before. Let's try to add types to it:

def double(item: str | int) -> str | int:
    if isinstance(item, str):
        return f'2 {item}s'

    return item + item

print(double(16) + 10)

Notice the problem? Mypy says that since the function returns str | int, you can't add an int to it. Because it could be a str. But we didn't mean that what we actually meant was: "If you get a str you return a str, and if you get an int you return an int. Overloads were designed to be able to express this notion. They're used like this:

from typing import overload

def double(item: str) -> str: ...

def double(item: int) -> int: ...

def double(item: str | int) -> str | int:
    if isinstance(item, str):
        return f'2 {item}s'

    return item + item

print(double(16) + 10)

We're essentially telling mypy that we know double(16) will return an int, not int | str. Overloads aren't validated by mypy yet, we have to ensure ourself that we specify the right overloads.

Also, the @overload decorator doesn't do anything at runtime. It's yet another way to provide extra type information to mypy. It's important that you keep the actual definition of def double below the overloads, otherwise the overload definition will overwrite your actual function.

Let's see a few more examples of overloads and why we'd use them. Here's an average function that has two separate behaviours: round the result, or don't round it:

def average(x, y, rounding):
    average = (x + y) / 2
    if rounding:
        return round(average)
        return average

print(average(2, 5, rounding=False))
print(average(2, 5, rounding=True))

When rounding is False, we return a float, but when it's True we return an int. So we can define these overloads:

from typing import overload

def average(x: int, y: int, rounding: True) -> int: ...

def average(x: int, y: int, rounding: False) -> float: ...

Though if you try to do that, mypy will complain, and suggest using Literal. What Literal does is define a type that can accept a specific set of constants as the value. For example, a variable of type Literal[True] will only ever accept True as a value, while Literal['get', 'post'] will accept either the string 'get' or 'post'. So let's use that to define the overloads:

from typing import Literal, overload

def average(x: int, y: int, rounding: Literal[True]) -> int: ...

def average(x: int, y: int, rounding: Literal[False]) -> float: ...

def average(x: int, y: int, rounding: bool) -> int | float:
    average = (x + y) / 2
    if rounding:
        return round(average)
        return average

print(average(2, 5, rounding=False))
print(average(2, 5, rounding=True))

If you do reveal_type(average(2, 5, rounding=False)) you'll see we get float and reveal_type(average(2, 5, rounding=True)) gets int.

One more example: a function that can take either one or two arguments:

def add(x, y=None):
    if y is None:
        return x + 1

    return x + y

print(add(1, 1))

add(5) just increments 5 to 6. Typing it is also simple with @overload:

def add(x: int) -> int: ...

def add(x: int, y: int) -> int: ...

def add(x: int, y: int | None = None) -> int:
    if y is None:
        return x + 1

    return x + y

Another interesting side effect of this overload is the fact that now we only have two possible signatures of add: one int or two ints.

Without an overload, doing add(5, None) would be valid code, and would be the same as add(5), but we don't want people to be able to do that. Using @overload lets us disallow that as well.